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  • Writer's picturejessicakuan

Bank of Canada Drops Qualifying Rate

Bank of Canada DROPS Qualifying Rate

Previous Qualifying Rate: 5.04% 

Current Qualifying Rate: 4.94%  What Does the Rate Drop Mean for Buyers?

  • Increase in borrowing power for buyers

  • Buyers can now qualify for a higher mortgage amount - roughly 2% more than before

  • This may not seem like a lot, but it can help buyers on the cusp of approval push their application forward


Qualifying at previous rate of 5.04% 

Income: $80,000/year 

Maximum Mortgage: $400,000

Qualifying at new rate of 4.94%

Income: $80,000/year

Maximum Mortgage: $410,0000

The Effects of COVID-19 on Canadian Homes Sales

Canadian Home Sales and Listings have Seen Record Lows in April 2020

  • National home sales have dipped 56.8% in April 2020 compared to April of last year (and 57.9% in the Greater Vancouver Area) 

  • However, the MLS Home Price Index has only seen prices drop an average of 0.6%, the first drop since May of 2019 

  • This suggests that although sales have decreased, demand has also decreased accordingly, keeping prices relatively stable

What Does this Mean for the Canadian Housing Market and Economy?

  • In spite of April's numbers, preliminary May numbers suggest that sales have already started to pick up

  • Realtors have already started to find creative ways to manoeuvre the new landscape with virtual tours and other technological advances

  • With everything taken into consideration, the residential market appears to remain afloat

  • However, we may see an increase in mortgage arrears in the following years

*The information above is taken from Sherry Cooper [Chief Economist of DLC]



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