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What is the Property Transfer Tax?


First Time Home Buyer Tips

Property Transfer Tax (PTT)

Home buyers in BC are required to pay a Property Transfer Tax (PTT) when purchasing a property. This is calculated based on:


  • 1% on the first $200,000 of the purchase price

  • 2% on the remainder up to and including $2 million

  • A further 2% PTT will be applied on the portion greater than $3 million

Two Exemptions

​1.First Time Home Buyers (FTHB) Exemption 

This exemption will fully exempt any PTT for first-time buyers purchasing a primary residence for property value under $500,000, and the partial exemption applies for property value up to $525,000. 

2.Newly Built Homes (E.g. Pre-Sale Units)

You will be eligible for the full exemption if the property is purchased as the primary residence and valued under $750,000; partial exceptions apply for property value up to $800,000.


Yiming Han

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